The Freight Forwarding Process

The Process Of Freight Forwarding

Any business focused on growing and expanding its reach today must consider trading on the international level. With the advancement of the internet, information has become easily accessible to billions of people around the world.

An artist in Mombasa can now compete with other artists from different parts of the world. Products can be advertised through the Internet and deliveries made using freight logistics services. Creating a smooth movement of goods from producers to consumers.

Evergreen ship docking at port of Mombasa

Scaling suppliers save on time and costs when they use freight forwarding companies, the reason being freight forwarding companies are able to negotiate for lower prices and are proficient in processing customs documentation. They can quickly navigate the complexities of international shipping of cargo, significantly reducing shipping time and costs.

The Process of Freight Forwarding

  • Export Haulage – This is the first stage when the shipping process starts. It involves the movement of the cargo from its initial location to the freight forwarder’s warehouse. Packaging, booking, and preparation of the cargo for shipping are executed during this stage.
Freight Forwarding Export Haulage
  • Items Checkpoint – Once the cargo reaches the freight forwarder’s warehouse, the items are checked to ensure all items are well packed and correctly labeled before shipment.
  • Export Customs Clearance – The freight forwarder facilitates the process of obtaining authorization from export regulators in the country of the cargo’s origin. It is a requirement in all countries before cargo is exported from a country. 
  • Import Customs clearance – Once the cargo reaches it destination country, the freight forwarding company facilitates the process of obtaining customs clearance. It is a requirement for importation of goods in all countries.
  • Destination Arrival and Handling – As the cargo draws closer to its destination, it sometimes has to be repackaged, stored or distributed. All the logistics that need completion before the final delivery of the cargo are done in this stage.
  • Import Haulage – This is the last stage in the freight logistics process. It is the final movement of the cargo to its final destination to be received by its consignee.

Let Us Handle Your Cargo Project Today.

If you are importing goods, it is important to consider using an experienced  freight forwarding company like Momentum Freight Ltd.  Momentum Freight’s experienced staff will ensure that your goods arrive at their destination safely and efficiently, and that all the necessary paperwork is completed correctly. Get a free quote on your next cargo project. More about us.

Evergreen ship docking at port of Mombasa

The Freight Forwarding Process

Any business focused on growing and expanding its reach should consider trading on the international level. Today information has become much more easily accessible, and producers can reach more eyes internationally through advertising on mobile devices. An artefacts shop in Mombasa can now compete with an arts dealer in California for the same market opportunities.

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